Drooling – the boy goes thru 6-7 bibs a day!
Coughing – he drools so much and accumulates so much saliva that he starts coughing to try and clear his throat. Of course, that causes us to get a couple looks from strangers when we’re out & about. Grrr.
Ear Pulling – I know he is really getting irritated when he starts grabbing at his little ears, and I know it’s not an ear infection.
Sleep pattern is all disrupted – the boy has gone back to waking up every 2 hours as if he’s a newborn!!!
More symptoms here.
I did end up giving him an infant pain reliever one night but I don’t plan to anymore, I don’t want to drug him up for something as natural as teething. I was told not to use baby orajel because it takes longer for the tooth to actually break through - don't know if this is true or not, has anyone else heard this?
I did some research on teething products and went to babies r us and went broke on the following toys:
Damn you Sophie the Giraffe! You set me back $20 & Aaron hates the way you taste! But you are oh sooo cute, so we will try to introduce you two again another day.
Raz-berry Silicone Teether - Aaron wasn't too impressed with you either!
Teething Beads: You seem to do the trick! Aaron gets attracted by all the colors & then your in his mouth for a good while.
Teething Links
Chill & Teethe Teether
Fish teether
And then the rest of my money went on stuff to prepare for solids. Ay! Any teethings tips out there? I could really use them as I would love to start getting some sleep again.
In other news, I ordered a Canon Rebel XS and am super excited about it!! Can't wait until it arrives.