Showing posts with label boys outfit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label boys outfit. Show all posts

A Day With My Oldest

Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Aaron had a school field trip last week at the National Zoo in DC. My husband and I both decided to take the day and go with him. We realized when we left that we didn't take any pics of the animals but only of Aaron. He is 4 and we still look and him and can't believe he is ours! He is growing so much and too fast.

Shorts are from old Navy. Shirt is from H&M. Shoes are Chucks. 

Boy Outfit of the Day: My One Year Old

Friday, May 9, 2014
My little guy looking like a gentleman and a scholar (my Office reference).

Boy Outfit

Jeans with suspended (SOLD out) Similiar -> Jeans / Onesie 

My Boys Outfit of the Day

Wednesday, May 7, 2014
The never ending struggle for boy moms, is when you go to the stores and see so many isles and racks of gorgeous options for girl clothes and accessories and then when you hit the boys section, you find a limited selection and its all in boring colors.

I get that most boys are not into fashion like some girls are do but US moms of these boys, WE care! And for moms of boys, its not only about putting them in a cute outfit but its also about teaching them self-care, teaching them to take the time to care about how they look and how to look presentable. I am hoping that my son seeing the time and care I put into selecting his clothes, is a skill he picks up on and takes with him when he leaves us one day (hopefully never).

I am always on a mission to find nice, trendy clothes on a budget. Boys will be boys and will get dirty no matter what you do, so not spending lots of money on clothes allows me to give him the freedom to still be him but look cute in the process!

Here is an outfit from this past weekend.

Toddler boy outfit

Shirt and Pants are both Old Navy. Shoes are Nike and sold out.
similar shirt / pants / shoes on ebay
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