Mom Conference - FREE Registration

Monday, April 7, 2014
I will be attending this virtual conference all week, hope you all join me!

The conference starts today and is FREE!!!

I plan to watch during my breaks and lunch hour and catch up during the evenings at home. The conference will inspire us to: 
  • Enjoy being a mother by learning how to stop comparing, judging, or feeling guilty
  • Put dinner on the table with a few simple tricks when you create 30 days worth of meals in just a few hours (you’re going to LOVE this!)
  • Get your kids to listen without yelling, nagging, or reminding (this will change your life)
  • Organize any space and keep it that way (what?!)
  • Maintain (or re-light) the spark in your relationship
  • Reclaim your rockin’ bod’ after childbirth without DIEting
  • Take simple steps to define your time and balance being a mom with other projects/work

Click on the images to register

Hope to see you there! 
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