Wow, it's been a while since I last blogged. Let's see between working full time, house hunting and spending time with my little family I have been busy! But I am not complaining, I have been productive! The past month, I have done a little spring cleaning and have gotten rid of a lot of items in my home. I gave away lots of baby items and set aside items I want to sell. We also got our carpets cleaned & I got down on my knees to clean those baseboard! The old me would never have done that, but the momma me, the wife me - was happy to get on my knees to clean our home for my family to enjoy.
My busy schedule is pretty much like any working mom's, but I wanted to share with you anyway. Here is a glimpse of a what a work week looks like for us:
Hubby gets up super early and is out of the house by 6:20am.
6:30 a.m.- I get up and start getting ready before Aaron wakes up. Shower, hair etc...
7:00 a.m.- wake up Aaron and give him about a thousand kisses, sing good morning songs to him while changing his diaper. Then I take him in the living room, sit him on his little chair while he drinks his bottle & watches The Wiggles. While he's doing that I finish getting ready.
7:20 a.m.- Get Aaron dressed, get his diaper bag ready and then Aaron gets to play a bit.
7:50 a.m.- I try to be out the house by his time to take Aaron to my mom's and leave to work.
8:20 a.m.- Get on the train and head to work. The train ride is where I catch up on my reading. I love kindle! It's also where my frustration lies! Shout out to WMATA!
9:00 a.m.- 10: a.m.: once at work, I reply to emails and phone calls and get ready for meetings in the day.
10:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.: I work for a small non profit that advocates for women's choice in childbirth, I am currently working on some social media & SEO projects, I take this time to check in with colleagues, check my google alerts etc...
NOON: LUNCH & call to say hi to Aaron.
1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.: Meetings & web updates. Did I mention I'm also the webmaster at my job. In the non-profit world you wear a lot of hats.
5:00 p.m.: I head home. I used to stay late almost daily but now that I am a mom, I can't wait to see the little guy!
6:00 p.m. - arrive at metro stop and head to get Aaron.
Hubby is usually home by now and helps me tremendously by doing the dishes, laundry if there is any and getting bottles ready for Aaron!!!! <3
6:30 - 8:00 p.m.- I arrive home and start dinner. I really hate getting home so late because after dinner there isn't much time left to be with Aaron during the week.
8:00-8:45 p.m.- After dinner this is the time we have with Aaron to play, read to him and bath him or even go out for a little walk.
9:00 p.m - bed time for the little guy, he falls asleep on my chest every night. This I won't give up cause I love it!
9:00 -11:00 pm- straighten up around the house, have time with my husband and catch up on shows.
11:00 pm: I'm done! I go to sleep and get my rest for the grind tomorrow.
I am lucky that my bosses are pretty awesome, If there are days where I need to change my hours or work from home, they work with me. It helps that they are mothers also! I do long to be a say at home mom, it's just not in the cards for us right now, maybe in a couple years, they are things we want to do first like buy a home, get out of debt and I'd like to go back to school.
Well that is mostly what my day's look like, If I am M.I.A, I guess you now have an idea why. :)
Working mama's out there, do you have any time management tips for me? I'd love to hear them!
image source: examiner