
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
My husband is a sneakerhead. He has been collecting sneakers since his early teens and it used to just drive me crazy. Lately, however, I have been gravitating to sneakers myself more than usual. Maybe it is because I am a mom of 2 and just want to be comfy 24/7 or that my office is pretty casual so I can get away with wearing sneakers every day if I wanted to. My only issue is the price! Geez, sneakers have gone up in price. Not Cool at all! BUT I am in love with my latest "cop's".

Nike Dunk Sky Hi
Nike Dunk Sky Hi
Nike Kobe IX - sold out. Similar

Quick Tips for the Sleep Deprived Mom

Monday, February 24, 2014
My first child did not sleep through the night until he was almost 2 and my second child is 10 months old and its not looking like he will be sleeping through the night anytime soon. Since I am a full time working mom, getting through the workday and the evenings is not always easy. There are days I am dragging. A couple of things that have finally started working for me are:

Sleep deprivation

1. Getting a solid 4-5 hours of sleep
I gave up on hoping and wishing for eight hours. I found I function of a good 4-5 hours and that is what I aim for. Of course, that baby doesn't always cooperate but that is why my husband is there.

2. Coffee
I love Coffee and Coffee loves me. Coffee is my best friend.

3. Get all the chores out the way as early as you can
I do not wait for the kids to go sleep to get things done. My husband and I take turns playing with the boys or doing certain chores while they are awake. We try to prepare for the next day as much as we can during this time too.

4. Go to bed when they go to bed
I go to bed as soon as the little is asleep so I can get as much sleep as possible. That is why I try to knock out everything I need to do while they are awake, so I can go to sleep and not think about what I need to do.

5. Let the house be messy sometimes
Sometimes you just have to accept that your house will be a mess. The only thing I worry about is dishes in the sink and everything else can wait until I am well rested and the weekend. Kids needs and your sanity are first and foremost. Those who love do not care about my mess, just like I wouldn't care about theirs.

Other tips:

Exercise: I am lucky if I have the time to get exercise in, but I do know that exercising can give you the energy you need.

Unplug: I do not get on my ipad or computer 30 minutes before bedtime. I find I have a harder time falling asleep if I am pinning stuff on pinterest before going to sleep. ;)

Halloween 2013

Friday, November 1, 2013
This is the fun stage. Aaron understood the fun of dressing up and trick or treating. He is still talking about his costume. This morning he woke up and asked if it was still Halloween. This is the fun stage. They make me happy.

Cunningham Falls State Park

Friday, July 12, 2013
This past 4th of July was memorable for my family. There are tons of little ones in the family so while it is a lot of work packing and prepping, it is a lot of fun creating these memories for them.

We went to Cunningham Falls State Park, which is a Maryland State Park about an hour and a half from DC. There is fishing, swimming, kayaking, boat paddling and hiking. You do have to get there early to get a good picnic spot and the park is a trash free park, so bring plenty of trash bags and remember to take your trash with you.

After hours of swimming the highlight of the day was the falls.

The scenic drive is relaxing also, so I am sure we will back soon! Especially when it gets too hot to hit up the beaches!

New Addition

Thursday, June 27, 2013
It's been quiet on the blog since life has been so busy lately.

We welcomed a new little guy to our family.  He was born a couple weeks early but is an amazing, amazing guy! We are so in love.

Aaron did need a little time adjusting to this new life but he is now just head over heels for his little brother.
We feel so blessed and so lucky to have these two. Life is just too perfect right now! It just makes me want another one! ;)
He really is our little superhero!

Happy New Year

Tuesday, January 8, 2013
I have taken a much needed break from many Social Media channels over the last year and it was just what I needed! After a death in the family, that shook my family to the core, it was nice to unplug and devote my time and energy where it mattered. My family.

There have also been many blessing and joys over the past year and I miss documenting memories we have created, so I think I am ready to jump back into blogging.

I will start by sharing some happy new news

We are expecting baby #2! Aaron isn't too keen on the idea yet but I know once he meets his sibling, they will be inseparable! :)

Any-who, I'm back!

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