Monday, December 21, 2009
We got a plastic tree last year and this year it seemed to have lost its luster a bit :( - it doesn't seem as full as last year.
So I was looking for ideas to make my sad tree look better, and I remembered how my sister put bows on her tree one year. So I went to Target and got a couple materials, you don't need much at all.

and simply tied a bow!

and Voila!

Soooo Easy!

Wrapping Christmas Gifts

Sunday, December 20, 2009
So I am 5 months pregnant and it has been difficult to wrap gifts with a baby belly in the way. We also got a couple odd shaped gifts that I was having trouble wrapping and almost gave up, I was ready to go to Target to get gift bags and tissue but I was caught in a blizzard and we got 19 inches of snow. So I turned to Google and found these videos I thought I would share with my blogger peeps.

Enjoy! :)


Monday, November 2, 2009
So I haven't updated my blog in a while and this is why!

1st Trimester is officially over which means that hopefully the nausea will be completely gone soon and my energy will return so I can update my blog! geesh! :)

I'm back....

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
It's been sooo long since I've been on here but im back promise! Before I come back and update, I wanted to share this blog with you:

Their aim is to educate, entertain and connect all peoples across the global Latino spectrum.

Please stop by and take a look - it's very interesting!

Cause I'm just a Girl

Monday, August 17, 2009
This weekend I went by sephora twice! I stopped by on Saturday to see their Sephora by Opi Nail Color collection and just had to go back on Sunday for more! These are my favorite colors so far - Oh and check out the names - LOVE IT!:

High Maintenance

Domestic Goddess

Also got Ocean Love Potion & Blue Grotto and something else that has been just lovely!

Nail Polish Corrector Pen


Daily Hand Moisturizer to go.

I also got three lipglosses for free as my birthday gift from Sephora! :) Great Weekend! Ahhh the simplest things make me happy!

The Secret to my relationship is....

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Inspired by this post on in which they asked readers to post in 5 words or less the secrets to their relationship. My response:

I lose my Keys and He finds them! (More than 5 words, I know!)

I thought I would add to this list on my blog

Play wrestling
Making him a big juicy steak every once in while
Helping him the get the new Jordan pack coming out
Rush in Toys R Us and bogart to get him the latest "collectible"
Him going to see Chick Flicks with me
Him making me bubbles baths
Him killing ugly bugs
I love you's like 20 freaking million times a day!

This list can go on and on ....


New Moon Trailer

Yes, I am another one that has been sucked into this phenomenon - I can’t help it, I read the books and thought it was great! Anyway, I came across this preview for the second trailer of New Moon! Can’t wait!



Free Signature Generator

Free Signature Generator

Before I married him I never....

Friday, August 7, 2009
made my bed!

Sorry but it makes no sense to me! You're just going to get back in it in a couple hours. Sigh.
This is a battle my mom always lost with me! But now that I married HIM, I find myself making the bed cause I know he grew up making his bed everyday! Is this what love has done to me!!!
Not only do I find myself making the bed everyday but I find myself wanting to buy new bed sets and pillows to make the bed look "cute", "warm" and "inviting". UGH!!!
I don't know what happened to me!

Nonetheless, I want!
(from Home Goods)

Bedroom Makeovers on a Budget

Monday, July 13, 2009
Though not my style I do love their curtian rod headboard idea and the lamps, though the lamps is a messy project. Enjoy!

Cleaning Tip: Make a Cleaning Schedule

I love google! In my quest to organize my life, I came across the following Cleaning Schedule that I am implementing in my daily routines and I thought I'd share :) - Enjoy!
This is taken straight from Maxwell's Eight-Step Home Cure:

Daily Schedule:Make Bed.
Wash dishes.
Put clothes away.
Sort mail.
Clear answering machine.
Clean all kitchen surfaces
Take out full garbage.

Weekly Schedule:
Clear all surfaces (put odds and ends away).
Wash clothing, take in dry cleaning.
Take out recycling.
Change sheets.
Water plants.
Clean bathroom and kitchen.
Quick-vacuum all floors.

Monthly Schedule:Vacuum, sweep, or mop all floors.
Flip mattresses.
Clear out refrigerator.

Every Three Months:
Wash windows.
Declutter refrigerator, front door, bulletin board, etc. Every Six Months:

*Spring cleaning (April or May)
*Fall Cleaning (October) * Perform deep treatment on your home: clean and declutter, change seasonal clothing, clean out drawers, closets, under-sink storage, purge clothing, extra CDs, DVDs, books, and furniture.


Home Design Inspiration

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I love this clean, open look and feeling! I think I would add family/friends pictures instead but I have a huge empty wall in my living room and I have been searching for inspiration and found it!

This awesome blog posted sneak peaks of Michelle Smith's (Check out some of her designs- I love how she has incorporated bird motifs- my wedding theme) home and it's great cause they even list where some of the items were purchased. More pics below

LOVE! While there check out their under $100 small storage list.

Top 10 Annoying things couples do

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
1. Saying “we” when I invite YOU somewhere.
2. Forcing each other to go to separate friend’s parties.
3. Incapable of having any other interests except home improvement
4. Only going out with other couples.
5. Doing public things that require alcohol, without alcohol.
6. Pretend like their dog is actually their child. ( I see nothing wrong with that!)
7. Completely ignore their children.
8. Insist that they go to each other’s movies.
9. Poorly set people up.
10. Message each other goopy things on Facebook.

These were funny! You can find the articles here and here.
My additions:

11. I hate when couples call each baby every single minute
12. Too much PDA, like rubbing each others ass while im behind you in line at the grocery store.
13. Kissing on the train - I don't mean a peck either, i'm talking tongue during rush hour - come on people.

I'm sure I must annoy people too thougth because hubby spoils me, I always get flowers, fruits and ballons delivered at work and I get lots of presents - he buys me things randomly and I am show off. ehh sue me! :)

Monday Morning Randoms...

Monday, June 15, 2009
New favorite show on TLC: The Little Couple - It's funny to see the things he gets annoyed at cause my husband is the same!

Is everyone having sextuplets?

I need HBO – What is this True Blood everyone is talking about?

Husband’s 30th is coming up - Can’t Wait!

Just got a MacBook Pro a couple weeks ago & I am in LOVE! I am discovering new applications and am just oooing and ahhhing.

And I am happy to see Benjamin Bratt back on TV on the cleaner – the show is ok but he is hot!

I was surprised I cared about:

Kendra from Girls Next Door being pregnant. I am a Eagles fan but never heard of her Fiance - oops!

Duggars: Josh & Anna are expecting too!


Making a cleaning schedule because my life is chaos and so is my apartment

And Etsy for home décor - uh YES! I’ll be posting my cute home finds soon.

Motivation for Decoration

Monday, June 1, 2009
I've been following several other newlywed blogs and have been very motivated to organize and really decorate out apartment. On Friday night, my husband and I went to Toys'R Us for the release of some new Transformer Toys (Yes, Hubby is a Nerd! But a cute one!) , anyway as were waiting for the release, I went into World Market for the first time! I was so mad that this pay period was for rent because I really could have done some damage. I didn't come out empty handed though, I got some cute reversable pillows for the couch:

I'll be going back next payday for some storage items to put under my messy coffee table for magazines and photo albums:

I'm excited! Also excited to be planning Hubby's 30th Birthday Celebration - I'll post details later.

Weekend Recap & What the hell is a Budget?

Monday, May 18, 2009
This has been a stressful week! My father was hospitalized last week with some rare bug and had to get surgery but I am happy because he is recovering quickly and was released today! 

Hubby went out of town for a week and comes back on Wednesday for a nice long memorial day weekend which is also our 1 year anniversary! YAY :)

We most likely are not going anywhere since 1. the H1N1 is still out there! 2. I'm planning Hubby's 30th birthday celebration and 3. I'm trying to go see Hillsong in concert on 6/1 which means I need to budget! 

The word Budget is foreign to me, I will admit I am not good at money management but it's something I'm trying to change because we have plans and because hubby and I have been thinking about merging bank accounts. EEK!

Since I'm clueless when it comes to Money, my dear friend, themommychase, recommended I check out and let me just say AMAZING! You enter in your info and it does all the work for you! Mint tells you when you are over budget, categorizes your spending and recommends areas where you can save. Some of the areas I seem to be overspending is:
  • Grocery
  • Metro - Which I can't do anything about
  • Rent - again, i can't do anything about
  • Electricity
What sucks is that now that we want to really get serious about budgeting we also want a puppy, a new car and husband wants the palm pre. Sigh!

Marriage Tips

Friday, May 8, 2009
I just came across a lovely post on on How to be Happy & Married and they posted 24 tips that I thought I'd share: (I summarized, click on link for detailed tips)

1. Talk. Take time to talk everyday.
2. Don’t expect your spouse to be a mind reader.
3. Forget the type of compromise that means thinking of yourself in favor of finding solutions that work for you as a couple.
4. Let her have her way (or his way) sometimes. (I am sending this one to Mr. as we speak!)5. Go to weddings where you’ll likely be reminded of promises you made.
6. Be your spouse’s advocate. There are times when you may need to protect or defend your husband or wife.
7. Never go to bed mad.
8. Make reasonable requests but don’t pressure or make unreasonable demands.
9. Don’t compete with each other.
10. Play outside. I like to go hiking or swing (at playgrounds). Just because you’re married now doesn’t mean you always have to act like a grown-up.
11. Give something up, if necessary, to reach a mutual goal…s
12. Celebrate.
13. Laugh.
14. Indulge.
15. Take care of your kids but don’t put them first in everything you do.
16. Learn to love your extended family.
17. Be flexible.
18. Talk about problems with your spouse or a counselor, rather than your best friend or someone who may tend to see just your perspective and may not encourage you to talk things over with your beloved.
19. Don’t depend on your spouse for everything.
20. Encourage your spouse to develop her or his talents, and do the things he or she enjoys.
21. Go on dates.
22. Keep learning about each other and the world.
23. Be loyal and faithful.
24. Believe. To me, promising that you’ll stay married to someone forever, whether you were childhood sweethearts or dated for a few months (and neither is a guarantee of marriage longevity or brevity) is an act of faith.

I will say that #9 is an issue for me and the Mr. - we joke a lot that there's a power struggle in our marriage because neither of us like to be told anything and like to always be right.
One thing i'll add that my big sister told me and I keep in my mental rolodex is to pick my battles with the hubby! I'll also add Prayer and Putting God first not only in your marriage but your life.

Any tips of your own? Share with this newlywed :)

Organizing My Home

Thursday, May 7, 2009
or-gan-ize [awr-guh-nahyz] verb, -ized, -iz-ing.
1. to systematize
2. to give organic structure or character to: to organize the elements of a composition.
3. Informal. to put (oneself) in a state of mental competence to perform a task: We can't have any slip-ups, so you'd better get organized.
4. Another Skill I Lack!
I desperately need to organize! We moved into our apartment last august and because of our work schedules we have neglected our apartment! My goal this spring/summer: Organize & Decorate!

My priorities right now are my coffee table, side table, Bookshelves (that is currently housing DVD collection, laundry room, and bathroom.

WARNING: These pictures are graphic in nature and may shock you but don’t judge! Lol

Coffee Table in Living Room

Bathroom Closet

End Table in Living Room

I'll be back with my progress. Any advice or tips? SHARE!

First Year the hardest??

Friday, May 1, 2009
I am really tired of people telling me the First year of marriage is the hardest. I’m having a ball. Yeah it was a little hard in the beginning, I come from a big family and I’m a daddy’s girl – I was sad to leave my parents and my brothers but I got over it in like a month. I talk to them everyday and since we live 20 minutes away, I can go see them whenever I want.
Yes, there are some adjustments like my husband trying to get used to the fact that I don’t make the bed! It makes no sense to me if I’m about to get back in it in a couple hours, this irritated him because he leaves before I wake up most the time so I’ll try to fix the bed at least once a week because I know it makes him happy.
Other ‘adjustments’ we had to get used to:
-I don’t always turn off lights in other rooms when I leave them
-He leaves his socks on the couch and bed
-I leave my clothes EVERYWHERE – I pick them up eventually
-I also leave my shoes everywhere
-He owns 200+ pairs of shoes that are all in their respective shoe boxes
-I lose my keys and Phone every day but I find them again
I’m sure this list can go on and on but my point is – adjusting to newlywed life hasn’t been hard, I’m with the man I love and it’s been amazing going thru this experience together.
I read an article on
Life After Marriage and the following paragraph is exactly how I feel:
Married life is not like a romantic movie with one exciting moment after another. Married people have to still live everyday lives, do mundane chores and go about their daily routines. The sparks of romance and laughter will come and go; it's up to us to keep the fire going.

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