As a mommy that works full time I am constantly searching for balance and I am always looking for tools & resources to help me find that balance. Between working, being mommy, being wife, sister, daughter AND cooking, cleaning, paying bills etc.. and just finding time for myself, I feel like overwhelmed. Did I mention I also volunteer at my church and handle their administrative and financial departments. Yeah, I am stressed. Oh, and the baby still does not sleep thru the night, YAY.
One my favorite websites that I have come across in my search for how other moms get by is Simple Mom, she believes that parents are the home managers and when mom & dad are doing well the whole family thrives. Some of the steps on her blog that she suggests are:
I want to try these. I am not one for routines but now that there is a baby I know it's necessary. One of the steps I have taken to help me achieve more is changing my work hours. I work from 8-4 instead 9-5 and that has cut my commuting time in half since I am missing traffic. It feels great already!
I have also starting setting reachable goals, see my 101 in 1001 list.
My #1 goal? To create a little order in my life so I don't feel so stressed or like I am not accomplishing anything and once said order is set I can live!!!! party & bullsh*t! :)
Let's see how this goes.