Once I got into cloth diapering however, I can definitely see the other benefits and now that Aaron’s skin isn’t as sensitive anymore, those reasons are why I am considering staying cloth.
Here is what my experience has been so far:
At the moment, I cloth diaper Part Time while I try to convince my mom, who watches Aaron while I’m at work, that it’s easy & not messy at all. While he is at my mom's Aaron uses Huggies Pure & Natural, which I honestly do not have any complaints about now that his skin is tougher. No rashes & No Leaks and I really love Huggie's Every Little Bottom Program!
Again, I am a newbie and still learning the in’s & out’s of cloth diapering, I never planned on going cloth and knew NOTHING about it, so if there are any pros reading this I would appreciate any feedback you have.
So far, we have tried Gdiapers & Fuzzibunz.
Gdiapers is the very first cloth diaper I tried. I chose them first because I read that it was a hybrid diaper, so there’s a choice between a cloth insert or flushable inserts. I figured if it got really out of hand (I don’t know what I was expecting) I could go the flushable route and not have wasted my money. I also really liked the idea of a snap in liner and that you can reuse the cover and just insert a new cloth - super easy! And I need super easy because I am super lazy!
I have been using the ginserts and I noticed that when it get’s wet it scrunches up on the sides and then the liner gets wet –I am wondering if that is supposed to happen? It hasn’t been a big deal, the cover hasn’t gotten wet so that’s good. I have seen on a couple YouTube video other mom’s using different inserts but I haven’t tried that yet and don’t know which ones to try.
I had been dyiing to try Fuzzibunz because in doing more research online I read that people had great experiences with them, so I was super excited when I went to conference for work and scored one for free!!! They are super cute and super soft, which I loved.
My first thought when putting it on him was that is was a little bulky and I really don’t like too much bulk – I feel like that might to limit his wardrobe. I also didn’t really like the pocket insert, maybe because I was already used to using gdiapers. Another reason I was to try them was because their insert was nice & thick but it felt a little damp when Aaron was wet – again, I am newbie, and wondering if that is supposed to happen?
I want to try one more so I recently purchased a bestbottom diaper, I am waiting for it in the mail. I check my emails every second to see if it has shipped. I know understand the obsession with cloth diapers!
Overall, so far, I really like gDiapers and I am currently building a stash. And here is his royal cuteness in his gdiaper!
When it comes to washing, that has been fine but I haven’t had the courage to cloth when we travel or go out for a couple hours yet – I first need to tackle getting the grandparents on board! AY!
Following from MBC!
Thanks for the follow ladies! :)
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