21 Days to Getting ORGANIZED Challenge

Wednesday, December 29, 2010
The last couple of weeks I have failed miserably at cleaning & organizing my household. I am taking a couple days off of work to really focus on getting things together before the new year. I just want to feel like I am getting off to a good start. I came across this challenge over at A Bowl full of Lemons, and had to join up. I need all the motivation I can get! Have I mentioned how lazy I am? yeah I need all the motivation I can get!!

If you want to join up, here's a post on what you can do to prepare for the challenge.


Elsie said...

i think you have persuaded me to get organized - I might just have to join you on this challenge - hoping I find the time to complete it though, but like you, I need motivation as well!

Mariah said...

I've nominated you for the stylish blogger award! http://mommybrainedmadness.blogspot.com/2010/12/my-blog-got-award.html Please accept!

1 Funky Woman said...

New follower and what a great challenge! I need a lot of help in this area. Can't wait to see how organized you get!



Erica said...

How did it go?

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