Showing posts with label VA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label VA. Show all posts

My weekend in food!

Monday, April 11, 2011
This weekend was very unhealthy! We didn't cook once this whole weekend. I had cereal on Saturday morning and that was the only meal I had at home.

We got home late after work and made breakfast for dinner!! I was too lazy to put a chicken in the oven lol.

Puffed Pancakes. Recipe here.  (Except I added cinnamon instead of sugar & left out egg white, still came out great!)

Made my way to Chantilly, VA with Diana to sell some very good brand name clothing to Plato's closet. Left disappointed! between the both of us we have good items that still had the tags on it. I can honestly say that we each had over 1k of brand name clothing hardly worn. We weren't looking to walk out with alot of money, but were stunned at what they were offering and even more stunned at what they didn't even care for. So back to the drawing board on what to do with some of our items.

While we were up there, we stopped at Willard's BBQ for some grub! They were good, but it seems like Urban BBQ still is Diana's favorite. I shared my plate with an 11 month old named Aaron lol, he loved the mash potatoes!

Saturday night
The grandparents took our little guy for the night, which was nice. The night before Aaron decided to wake up at 1am and not go back to sleep until 3:30am! so THANK YOU GRANDMA!!!

That left hubby and I some time to just go out on a date!!! YAY. We went to the historic area of Hyattsville, MD for a super late dinner, and ate at the newly opened Elevation Burger. Delicious!!!Organic Burgers & Fries -  Yes Please! and Thank You!

So now it's Monday and my goal is to eat salads for a couple days to make up for the delicious damage I caused on my body this past weekend!!!  

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