Showing posts with label Gift Ideas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gift Ideas. Show all posts

DIY Gift Ideas on a Budget

Tuesday, January 11, 2011
This past Christmas our funds were limited so while the little kids in our family got gifts, I still wanted to give something to cousins/sisters/nieces. I researched a couple DIY gifts on the blogesphere and came up with these 3 fun projects. My partner in crime Diana did the same thing and here is how they came out (Click on links for step-by-step instructions).

These two ideas came from

Oatmeal Milk Bath - Great for people with sensitive skin
 Blend until fine
Put in a pretty mason jar & done! Super Easy.

Pretty Bath Salts - **Great Valentines Day Gift***

 No blending required on this one. Just colorants! ;)
See the pink swirls - they make me smile! :)

Facial Scrub - Inspiration came from Kelle Hampton's blog but we ended up making it our own and it's pretty amazing, I have been using it myself. Won't share just yet how we made our batch but you can always try Kelle's version.

 mixing the ingredients.
ready to gift!

These were both super fun to make & with a 8 month old they were all made after he went to sleep so it was also nice to be able to chat with a friend while DIY'ing. Oh and by the way all this stuff if pretty much made out of natural ingredients! Enjoy!

My Christmas Wish List

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
I'm posting this in hopes my family stumbles across my blog and they can see what I want for christmas! ;)
Love you! :)
Might serve as gift ideas for your loved ones as well.

1. A 50mm Canon Lens to go with my new Rebel.

2. A Single Cup Coffee Maker  (Hubby isn't a coffee Drinker + this is MY wish list, hence the single cup)

3. Ice Cream Maker. 'Nuff Said!

4. Camcorder to record my baby. :)  I am interested in this cute little flip recorder.

6. Tina Steinberg Love Touch Necklace. It is the sweetest thing, a necklace with your child's fingerprint!

What's Hot for Mom's

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
I love being a new mom and I love finding great resources, products etc.. that will help make my life easier, I mean why reinvent the wheel right? that being said, I quickly bookmarked this site when I stumbled aross it a couple weeks ago: - This week they posted a new video called: 

What's Hot for Mom's & Dad's We Like to Follow. Check it out!

Gotta Have It: What's Hot for Mom! from Kimberley Blaine on Vimeo.

My favorite things from this segment are the Babba Car Seat Covers and the Start Cooking Website, they get down to the basics of cooking and have videos! I can't cook so I know I will be spending hours on that site. And those car seat covers are freaking adorable!

What's  your favorite item or website/blog in the video? 

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