Liebster Blog Award

Friday, September 9, 2011
MK over at Tactile Necessity has awarded me the Liebster Blog Award. Woo Hoo! You must head over to MK's blog, you'll be inspired by her pics alone, but she also regularly posts about interior designing, food and life here in DC after moving from Michigan, you''ll be hooked, promise!

The Liebster Blog Award highlight blogger's that have up to 200 followers. There are a few rules but their simple.
  1. Link back to the awesome blogger that nominated you
  2. Nominate up to 5 other blogs
Here are five of my favorite blogs that I am awarding the Liebster Blog Award to:

Now it's your turn! Spread the love and nominate your favorite blogs (don't forget to let them know you did so)!

Member of the Dirty Thirty Club

Thursday, September 8, 2011
I turned 30 July 31st. I was depressed. My sisters hosted a dinner (true blood theme!!!!), that helped. But it still hasn't gotten better! This year wasn't a great one at all. I am just thankful for my little family who put a smile of my face everyday!!!! I can't wait to make our little family of three to four then maybe one day five!

I love the West Coast

Wednesday, September 7, 2011
My summer vaca was spent in Pasadena. Ww went there for our honeymoon three years ago and hubby was going for a couple days for work so I tagged along. That was the week the DC area got hit with an earthquake & hurricance!!! So our flight got delayed and our 5 day turned into a 7 day trip and I think I want to move there!!! I am ready to go!

 Santa Monica Beach - about 30 min drive from Pasadena
 Santa Monica pt. 2

Summer is Basically Over :(

Tuesday, September 6, 2011
We have had a really hot summer in the DC area this summer and all of a sudden today was in the 60's and you saw sweaters all around. Oh well, all good things must come to an end but I'll have this pic to keep me warm :)

Sorry for my absence the month of August, I needed to dedicate some time to my family but I'm back and energized! :)


July Giveway: IHeart Organizing Printables

Wednesday, July 27, 2011
We have one more giveaway to this month and I am excited about this one! I have been following the IHeart Organizing blog for a year now and being a new mom & wife, I get a lot of inspiration from this blog!!!

Jen makes is easy for her readers to tackle her projects in their own homes!  Seriously, Jen's before & afters' just motivate me to get off my lazy ass and get my home in order!

But my favorite is her Household Binder, I Love it! It's just a great way to manage your home and I am going to make one myself!

Jen is participating in this month's giveaway and one lucky reader will get two printables from her shop:
  1. The customized laminated meal planning calendar &
  2. The grocery inventory printable
These will definitely help get your household management binder started!

All you have to do is comment in the box below, be sure to leave your email address.
For additional entries:
Follow this blog & the IHeart Organizing blog (you will need to comment for each additional entry).

This giveaway ends on August 1, 2011 at midnight (EST). Winner will be chosen using  

Good Luck!

It's LOVE!

Monday, July 25, 2011
We did nothing but spend time together and with family - it was a great weekend. We listened to some Jill Scott as we drove from here to there and enjoyed each other's company! I love her!!
They all sit and wonder why this feelin I can not hide

It ain't a question of pride, ooh

It's love, ooh it's love
loves to pick up sticks now
trying to feed him while the wiggles is on tv = impossible!
The little gym!! he loved it!
<3 thank you for coming to 19&M!
How do you calm a toddler?! YOUTUBE.COM - Don't judge me!
Firt carousel ride - he was concerned!
his & her's

Love Motherhood

Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Even though I don't need anything other than my son to tell me how to love motherhood, this is a nice quote! I love pinterest!

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