the joy of LOVE: Day 2

Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Day 2 of this fun project is to photograph your subject & how they look.

Subject: My 9 month old
Look: Peek a Boo

I got down on the floor for this one and hid behind the kitchen counter, I popped out to say Peek A Boo and this was the look I got!!! :)

This pic is SOOC (Straight out of camera)


the joy of LOVE: Day 1

Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Day one's assignment was to photograph the one you love doing what they DO!

Subject: My 9 month old.
What he does: EATS

Took the pic on my canon rebel and I won't lie I took the easy way out and shot the pic on automatic, I hang my head in shame!! :(

But I did use Pioneer Woman's warmer action to help liven the pic up a little.

Without further ado:


To all the lovely ladies out there...

My little guy says HEY!!!!

It's February!!!! I can not wait for Valentine's Day!

*template from, "Like" them on facebook for free download!! :)

Stretching my Photography Skills (or lack of)

Monday, January 31, 2011
I am so excited! Ever since getting my Canon Rebel in the fall, I have been obsessed with learning how to really use it & take great pics of my family. I still plan to use professional photography for special occasions but at times budget just doesn't permit that.

Anywho, I came across Willette Photography & More when looking for tutorials & tips and saw that she is hosting a workshop called the joy of LOVE. The purpose is to take pics of the ones you love while learning more about photography. I will get daily assignments and will be sharing my progress. Can't Wait!!! It starts tomorrow!!!

8 months

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
He'll be 9 months next week, but 8 months for my lil guy was a glorious time! He celebrated his first Christmas AND New Years! He crawled and then learned to pull himself up to a standing position, he also got his first 2 bottom teeth at the beginning of his 8th month and his bottom two are now growing.
He also FINALLY said MAMA and learned to wave. It was wonderful to witness it all, I am so proud of my lil man! and so proud to be his mama!

A couple more firsts

Monday, January 24, 2011
I never did post about his first Christmas!!!

It was amazing. We celebrated with family and he was passed around from loving arm to loving arm and was blessed with toys, clothes and shoes! He is one loved baby! and I love it!

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