Waiting on Spring

Thursday, March 13, 2014
We have had about 4 snow storms in the DC area and I am over it!!! We have also have also been battling a couple rounds of a nasty cold we can't seem to shake off.

I am dreaming of SPRING! I can not wait. I am ready to put away sweaters and coats and bring out my sandals!

I have a mini bucket list that has me anticipating 70 degree weather and sunshine.

1. Wear hats. 

I don't have time to style my hair every day. On my bad hair days, I can throw on a hat and create a signature look while I'm at it!


2. Rock Blazers

You can do anything with a blazer now. Blazer and a pair of jeans. Easy! I can do that!


3. Do something with lace

What girl doesn't like lace!


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