What do 10 month old's eat?

Thursday, March 10, 2011
I dunno. But mine over here eats rice & beans!

We tried for a couple of months to give aaron baby food, but he just wouldn't eat it! He would only eat Gerber's apple, strawberry & banana and that's when the mood striked him. He loved loved Ella's kitchen but it constipated him. 

So Ped told us to just forgo the baby food and start giving him some of our food. I'm a Latina so my food is rice & beans baby, and this little guy loves it!!! We've added eggs, potatoes, oatmeal and a bunch of other fruits & veggies in the mix. Since he is doing so well on our food, I am thinking of transitions to whole milk soon. 

Has anyone transitioned their kids to whole milk before the 1 year mark?

Mommy Review: Infantino Cloud Shopping Cart Cover

Wednesday, March 9, 2011
It's so funny how when you are pregnant, you do so much research to find the Perfect Stroller and the Perfect car seat. Then the baby arrives and you're a few months in - you hate carrying all that gear around!

Now that Aaron is attempting to walk, this boy refuses to be in any position that isn't upright. So my boy & I are loving this new Infantino Product: Infantino Cloud Shopping Cart Cover. It is also soo nice to leave the car & stroller in the car now! I just plop him in there and we go on about our business!

I love this one because its padded and covers the cart nicely, and since my guy still likes putting EVERYTHING in his mouth, this blocks him from doing that very nicely! It's also great because even though I am not as big of a clean freak as I'd like to think I am, who knows who was using those carts before you!

It can also be used at restaurants covering the high chair. Here's my little guy in it at Ihop, not a great pic (cell phone pic), but he was nice & comfy.

The one thing I was worried about was staining because of the fabric but while at Ihop this little guy managed to drop & smear eggs & bananas over it and it was easy to clean. My lazy self just took a baby wipe and voila! good as new!! This is definitely a must have and would be a great baby shower gift!

Thanks to infantino for letting us try out their new product!! We were not paid, these are my views & opinions!

Happy Valentines Day

Monday, February 14, 2011
Yes, I am one of those losers who loves Valentine's Day!!!! Just popping in to wish everyone a good one and leave you with one of my favorite songs:

Free Valentine's Day Printables

Friday, February 11, 2011
I am so excited for valentines day! I stole my sister's heart shaped cookie cutter so I can create something for aaron, even though he is only 9 months, I am super excited! Husband is going out of town so we are having our date night next weekend, :/ still excited though, because it has been a couple months since we've gone out.

Anywho, who loves printables???? who doesn't right?

Here are links to freebies I have found:

A whole bunch of printables & ideas HERE

Becky Higgins

If you like Living Locurto's facebook page, she has an awesome freebie as well. Be sure to check out her blog too!

Have you come across any? Please share!! pretty please!! :)

A Challenge for Myself

Thursday, February 10, 2011
Lately I have been feeling discouraged & unmotivated! This is only when I come to work, I don't know if this is something that happens to all moms, or all first time moms, but even though aaron is 9 months, my mind & my heart are not here in the office with me. The only place I want to be is home with my baby. So, I keep searching for things that make me unhappy at the office, and things get negative fast. It is depressing! I am so lucky that my mom is able to watch aaron for me but at the same time, I consumed with jealousy that I am not with my son!

I never imagined myself as a stay at home mom, and it's not even something that is possible for our family at the moment, but I just want to be that mom that is home when my kids get home from school, that has time to sit and do homework & arts and crafts with them. At this point, it would be nice to not get home at 6-7 and not be too tired to cook a meal for my family!

I am surprised that I even feel this way! I never even knew if I wanted kids, aaron was a surprise, a wonderful surprise! but I never saw myself as the women I am becoming today. Motherhood has completely changed me! :)

Anyway, I have given this feeling to God in prayer! and I am challenging myself to only speak positive things that will motivate me! after all, I am working to be able to provide for my family so we can accomplish our goals!

I came across this verse this morning and it was perfect and exactly what I needed!

Image Source.

I am going to have a good day today! and I hope you do too!!! :)

Birthday Planning: Theme

Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Aaron will be ONE on Apr. 27th!!! That means I have 2-3 months to start planning!!

I have been waiting for this!!! First step in my planning is a birthday theme. At first I wanted to do a dinosaur theme because I noticed the little guy was attracted to the color green but then my sister gave me an awesome idea:

SUPERHERO'S!!!!! DUH!!! I don't know why I didn't think of this, Aaron is after all, a SUPER BABY!!! My husband is in love! you see, not only is a shoe collector, but he reads comics, and is a toy "collector", yup, I married a NERD! at least he's good looking! :b

Like Father, Like Son

Monday, February 7, 2011
My husband is a shoe collector! what is that?

Well he has over 200 pairs of mostly Nike Shoes: Jordan's, Lebron's, etc....
He has been starting a little collection for the little guy too and even though this habit annoys me sometimes, it is sooo cute to see their shoes together!


By the way I took that pic!!! on semi-manual mode!!! Manual Focus Baby!!! I am getting better at using my camera. I had the blinds all the way open to bring the sun in and that just made it easy! so note to self, let in all light for great pics!

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