My REAL Tips for a Better Marriage - Post baby

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
My girlfriend Diana emailed me a link to these great marriage tips and asked me if they were true, and yeah they are but come on, add a baby and real life to the mix, sometimes you just need some REAL tips! Here are mine:

1. If you feel like yelling & cussing him out, do it! It’s better to get it all out and move on then hold in it and have a grudge later. I know yelling isn't always best but hey that's how I deal!

2. Don’t compete. It’s easy to get caught up in, "I did the dishes 3 times this week" or "I stay up with the baby more than you", try not to do that, it will just cause an unnecessary fight.

3. Be real & be you 100% of the time. It isn’t about pleasing people all the time anymore, you need to be happy first!

4. The husband needs to learn how to cook & make a couple meals occasionally. I love when my hubby treats me to a homemade breakfast! Same goes for cleaning.

5. Chocolate. I like chocolate. Get us Chocolate!

We have only been married 2.5 years and have a 6 month old so I am sure I will be adding to this list, but this is what has helped us so far.

Got any tips that have helped you? Share!!!! I’ll compile & re-post.


YayaOrchid said...

Hey Anna! I come via MBC, and am now following you. Hope you can visit my blog. Thanks!

Trisha @ The Sweet Survival said...

I am following from BM. This is a great list. I would also add to make sure you both let each other know how much you appreciate them. You definitely don't wait to take for granted your relationship with your spouse!

Dana said...

Hi Anna,
This is so true! I think i should print this out and place it on my refrigerator. Love the list, especially # 1 , just get it all out!!

I'm following you from BM.


Jenn said...

Love the post! I would add: Communicate, communicate, communicate! Never expect them to read your mind. I found you on MBC and am now a follower! I would love for you to check out my blog:
My Motherless Adventure

And then there was Anna... said...

Thanks Ladies - will add to the list and following you all back.

Money Saving Mommy said...

Those are really great tips! I totally agree with #1.
I am a new follower from Mom Bloggers Club.

Nikki said...

My youngest is 5 and there are times when I still go off on my husband lol. But most of the time it's because of pms so he understand...either that or he's too afraid to argue back haha.

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